Happy, Smiling Faces
I'm going to admit something weird. For a few weeks some years ago, I went to an addicts anonymous meeting held at a local Mormon ward building. A friend had recommended it to me, and I tried it. I'll also admit that I kept struggling with the first "step," which was to accept that I had no control over my life. Maybe that was because I wasn't an addict, though I'd gone in the first place because I wondered if I had an addiction to my own control of my life, to exercise, or to my image of myself as a nearly perfect person. In any case, I couldn't give up control and I certainly wasn't going to give it up to something called "God," since as far as I was concerned, God had done a pretty lousy job of being in charge of my life as far as I could tell, and He might well be a sadist, given the death of my daughter months before. I asked if other people were having the same problem of being stuck on step one, but no, no one else was. Maybe thei...